Sorry for the really long inactivity! I started on this blog post over a month ago but never had the attention span to complete it.
Anyway, I've finally gotten myself a camera! Which explains why there weren't any posts since January because I had nothing to take pictures with.
Now onto my review of the Post Office & Postman set by Flair which I'd gotten from ebay sometime in February this year:

This is my most expensive SF purchase till date. Costed me about 280 USD. It's a brand new set and I've not seen other Post Office sets for sale so far except a pretty used one by TOMY going at 145 USD including shipping. Still pretty expensive considering how badly worn the set looked but I will consider getting a used one to make into a police post!

The window sills are of a rustic shade of brown - very nice contrast with rest of the building.
And instead of stickers, the decorations for this set came in card form with double-sided tape attached. Personally, I prefer this because you can easily remove your decorations if you've pasted them wrongly the first time. I always tend to stick my stickers slightly off-center or slanted and it saddens me that I can't peel them off and re-apply without creasing or damaging the stickers :(

The set also came with some postcards, letters and delivery papers. I just love how SF made the words on these tiny documents readable!

The wordings on the special delivery card are actually readable! I hadn't bought my macro lens yet when I took pictures for this review.

And here's the little post box that comes with the building:
It can be opened so that Postman Samuel can retrieve those letters!

A pity my Postman Samuel had some staining on his head. Probably from the hat being on his head for very long.

And one last picture of Postman Samuel at work! His little bag is functional and I absolutely love the wall telephone behind him: